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electron transport中文是什么意思

用"electron transport"造句"electron transport"怎么读"electron transport" in a sentence


  • 电子传递
  • 电子转移


  • Electron transport through dna molecule
  • Electron transport properties of the finite double - walled carbon nanotubes
  • The function of electron transport in the mitochondrion is to phosphorylate adp to atp
    线粒体中电子传递的作用是使adp磷酸化成atp 。
  • Crista ( pl . cristae ) the structure formed by folding of the inner mitochondrial membrane , giving a large surface area for electron transport
    嵴(嵴膜) :线粒体内膜向内室褶叠形成的结构,可以为电子传递提供更大的表面积。
  • Our research team commits ourselves to the research and developing works of the single electron transport saw parts , and to the study of the quantum acoustic current steps
  • We only need consider electron as carrier of electric charge in former electron transporting process , but in gmr effect , electron not only is the carrier of electric charge , but also has spin
  • When the inhibitors existing , the ways that the electrons enter the electron transport chain coupling with the sulfide - stimulate atp production show significantly tissue - specific characters and corresponded with the tissues " physiological function
  • The emission properties of mo coated silicon tips are found deviation from the fowler - nordheim theory . the reason may be that there exist some interfaces in this cathode and the electrons transport process will be different from that of metals
  • They thought it had some relation with coupling between layers at that time , but later people found the mechanism of gmr was different with anisotropic magnetoelectric resistance effect , it involved with spin dependent electron transporting process
  • The value of carotid / total chlorophyll of treatment 1 . 4031 , 1 . 9080 , 1 . 0971 times that of the control respectively . s02 decreased the produce of apparent photosynthetic electron transport ( etr ) , over photochemical quantum yield ( yield ) , non - photochemical quenching ( q
    处理100天以后,二、三年生苗木处理多酚氧化酶的活性分别是对照的5 . 7551 、 2 . 1989倍;它们的过氧化物酶活性则是对照的4 . 8484 、 15 . 6403倍。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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